在花蓮的玉里和富里之間,就在離現在很有名的伯朗大道沒有很遠的旁邊,有一個小農村,就叫「東里」。 東里啊,以前被人叫做「大庄」。這裡幾百年來,住了一群原住民朋友,不跳隔壁阿美族人的豐年祭,也不會唱上面一點布農族人唱的八部合音,不像下面一點卑南族人過年前會殺猴子(現在卑南族人也沒有殺猴子了啦),但是他們會把祖靈恭奉在水裡拜,還會採集沼澤邊的水草當酒糟釀酒…… 釀出的酒,就是風味媲美 XO 的「大滿酒」!
19 世紀的蘇格蘭攝影師:平埔原住民有魔法,讓冷水加上神祕種子,就變成好吃的魔法果凍!Scottish Photographer: Oh Taiwanese Indigenous Magic Jelly, I think I fall in love with you!
by admin
written by admin
愛玉愛玉,冰冰涼涼,晶瑩剔透,黃橙如寶石的愛玉…… 一說到愛玉,大家就想到山上的鄒族朋友,因為阿里山的愛玉太有名了,都靠鄒族朋友爬上樹採,不然我們就沒有愛玉可以吃 Or2 但你知道嗎,早在 19 世紀的南台灣,愛玉就已經是平埔原住民朋友的美食,連來台灣玩的老外都愛呢! Aiyu aiyu, lovely aiyu, icy and sweet, shining like a jewel…… When it comes to aiyu (Ficus pumila var. awkeotsang), a kind of plant only native to Taiwan and famous of its fruits of which the popular aiyu jelly is made, most people would immediately think of Cou people in Ali Mt., where an abundance of aiyu trees are cultivated and harvested. But do you know, aiyu used to be a dessert of the Plain Indigenous peoples in Southern Taiwan in the 19th century and even some foreign traveler fancied it a lot!
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