許多人都知道,當我們坐火車來到花東地區後,各站的播報就會多了一種原住民族語 ── 阿美語,以服務花東人數最多的原住民族群。
但卻有一站例外,那就是新城站 ── 全臺灣唯一以第二種原住民族語,太魯閣語播報的火車站!
各位旅客,新城站到了,請準備下車。從影片的 1 分 41 秒開始,我們開始回到太魯閣族人的歷史。
Ladies and gentlemen, we are now at Sincheng Station. From 1:41 secs, we will lead you back to the long history of Truku people……
“It is the winter in 1896. Ladies and gentlemen, be sure to take all your belongings with you when you leave the train. When leaving the station, watch out your leather hat and your head underneath, because the Truku warriors are hunting head!