匠人所棄的石頭,如今成為房角的頭塊石頭。這句話出自聖經《詩篇 118 篇》,意思是說啊,就算是工匠沒眼光、想丟棄的石頭(人民),神也不會放棄,甚至選作為神的選民,施予恩惠。 這句話不只在聖經裡算數,只要我們有眼光,到處都是美好的上等璞石 -- 花蓮的徐建正牧師,就是這樣撿回了許多好石頭,並創辦了「角石工作室」……
The sentence from the Bibles means that, the God will pick the stones that the craftmen don’t want to be the cornerstones and blesses them. — From the sentence, the pastor Hsu Jian-Cheng and Jiang Hsian-Shu have picked many “stones” that no other wants, and created a workshop called “Cornerstone Workshop”!“The stone that builders rejected has become the cornershone.” (Psalm 118:22)