原住民故事泰雅部落旅遊 Tayal: Small is Big, We Prefer Small Feasts to Worship to Our Ancestors!鬼月拜拜要豐盛?泰雅族才不來這一套! by admin 2013/08/24 written by admin For Chinese people, the more the offerings are, the more their respect to the gods and spirits is — However, it’s totally opposite for Tayal people! 漢人拜拜,總是說祭品要越「澎派」,越豐盛,才表示對被祭祀對象的敬意很多 阿美族、排灣族等原住民祭祖或辦收穫祭,會載歌載舞 但是泰雅族人走的可是低調路線喔! Continue Reading 2013/08/24 0 FacebookTwitterPinterestEmail