Previously we taught you how to tell an Amis boy’s looking without seeing him face to face, and now we are going to teach you how to tell whether a Tayal girl is hot or not without seeing her!
The answer: From how well she weave!
We know that in the culture of Tayal, a girl doesn’t know how to weave could not have tattoos on her face, and so she could not get marry. And so for Tayal traditionally, the better a girl’s weaving skill was, the more popular she was among Tayal boys!
Why the weaving skills used to be so important for Tayal girls?
This did make sense. Before, every piece of cloth you saw in a Tayal family, from bed sheets, shirts, scarves, leggins, to men’s hunting bags, all had to be done by the girls. And so if a girl didn’t know how to weave, how could she take care of her family? And so of course a girl that didn’t know how to weave could not get married.
Chiang A-Chi, a Tayal woman from the tribe Wurai said that, many girls in her generation have never got married because they never learnt how to weave!
This is why a Tayal girl had to learn how to weave from her mother in her 12 or 13. From planting ramie, removing leaves, reeling off fibers from ramie, making threads, to dyeing, every step was done by the girl. Also as the weaving skills were passed down from every mother to her daughter, and so every single totem we see from a piece of Tayal cloth is different by family. Chiang said, a girl who knows how to weave could easily tell the origin of a piece of cloth from the unique and beautiful weaving skills and the totems applied on it!
Since every piece of cloth from each family is unique and different, Chiang said:
“Every piece of Tayal cloth is passed down from a mother to her daughter and stands for the spirits of each family; as long as you learn and do hard, every piece of cloth we weave is the most beautiful!”
Do you agree with the beautiful spirit and culture of Tayal? 🙂
(內容來源:國立台灣歷史博物館/圖片來源:ccm224、Wikipedia(CC Licensed))繼上次我們告訴大家說,怎麼樣可以不用看到一個阿美族男生本人,就能知道他是圓是扁,現在我們還要來個泰雅族版: