想念過年的熱鬧氣氛嗎? 好的,只要跟原住民變成好朋友,包你每個月都可以過年! 從春初達悟族的新年、春末布農族的射耳祭,到夏天阿美族、撒奇萊雅族、卑南族、噶瑪蘭族、排灣族、魯凱族的年祭之後(就是你們以為的「豐年祭」啦),緊接著登場的,就是邵族的「換年祭」啦! Hey you, do you miss the happy atmosphere of new year every year? “Why here is only one New Year every year?” No problem, if you get to know more Taiwanese indigenous people and make good friends with them, you could enjoy Happy New Year’S’ almost every month!